
Danielle in Front of a Japanese Print

Oil on board, 9" x 14", NFS
This painting was obviously not done in
one day, as a matter of fact, it took me
about two weeks to paint, but, I had so
many family obligations today that I
didn't have the time to paint, so I decided
to post an example of the type of work I
used to show in galleries.
I do love this painting - it is a painting of a
friend of my daughter's, but I didn't love the
amount of time it took, the intense detail it
involved, or what it did to my right hand.
I ended up with no cartiledge between the
bones of my thumb from painting so much
with my fingers pinced together to create
the detail.
I absolutely love color! And, I think what I
am facing now is a way to achieve the coloristic
complexity of this work while doing it in a looser,
quicker manner, which is more enjoyable and
certainly more relaxed. Right now I am experi-
menting - proving that one is never too old to
This is painted over a grisaille underpainting
(a black and white underpainting). This actually
makes painting easier, but it is a long, drawn-out
process which I seem to have lost the patience for.
Daily painting has changed my attitude towards a
lot of things...
Thanks for visiting today.


  1. Breathtaking. Incredible. Wonderous to look at.

  2. I'm so glad I followed the link on Belinda Del Pesco's blog to yours. Your work is just beautiful. I'll check in frequently...

  3. this is so so lovely, congrats for it!

    i too followed belinda's links all the way from flickr. i'll be checking in too.

  4. Yyayyy, the bread crumb trail is working!!! :o)

  5. thanks to you, Belinda!


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