
Essence Drawing of Sharon Posing

Essence on Laid Paper, 7" x 9", $100.00 SOLD
This is another painted drawing done in the
essence technique that I've talked about in
previous posts. I wasn't crazy about the color in
this one, but I do love the pose, light, and linear
work. The paint goes on the laid paper (Ingres
paper in this case) just beautifully once the oil has
been leached out of it, and of course it dries with
no ugly oil stains around it. I love this technique!
It is great for quick sketching of the model. I will
be offering a workshop in this at The Art League
School in Alexandria, VA next School year, and
will also ge using the technique this quarter in
my figure class.


Anonymous said...

I love the colors in in this drawing/painting. Very eye-catching! I'm going to try this Essence technique and see how it goes for me! I lived in Northern Virginia for most of my life, moved to Vermont for 13 years, and now find myself in South Carolina on the coast. I desperately miss The Art League in Alexandria! Took many wonderful classes there, and even have an oil painting hanging in my living room that was done in one of the classes!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for my nice comment on my painting, Judys. Yes, the Art League really is a unique place. We are so lucky here in Alexandria to have it! It must be beautiful where you live, though.