
St. John Day

Oil on Archival Card, laid down on board, 6" x 5 1/2",
When I was in the Virgin Islands a few years ago I took a lot of
photographs. I am glad I did, for I never get tired of creating land-
scapes using them for inspiration. I never copy them - they are
just "memory-joggers".
I love the colors of the Caribbean, and the
way they change constantly when you are there.
The infinite number of blues never ceases to amaze and
inspire me, and they are so much
fun to play with when I am painting. I enjoy
the challenge of trying to suggest a grand space on a
small picture plane. But the process of painting is also a peasure,
because as I am creating, I am immersed in memories of the place,
and it is a very sensuous experience.

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