
Pastel Drawing of a Tree after one in a Medieval Painting

This is an odd reproduction of this picture. It is actually much
more colorful than this. Perhaps it is because I scanned it.
The paper I drew it on was Sennelier gray pastel paper, which
had quite a heavy texture - this is hardly noticeable in real
life. Anyway, the blues don't come through as they should.
This is a tree that has always caught my attention in a small
painting in the Medieval to Early Renaissance section in the
National Gallery in Washington, which I am lucky to say is
only about twenty minutes from where I live. Unfortunately,
I never wrote down the name of the artist, but I do remember
that it is a depiction of the devil (with very large, nasty horns,
but dressed for some unexplained reason, like a Franciscan)
tempting Christ in the wilderness. An odd picture, but the
tree is sublime.
Thanks for visitng today.
PS - I fell off of my bicycle and injured both of my arms, so
it will be a few more days before we see anything really
NEW here. Please have patience.

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